
Showing posts from May, 2021

Topics to be Covered In any Coding Interview: LeetCode

  Array Two Sum Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Contains Duplicate Product of Array Except Self Maximum Subarray Maximum Product Subarray Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Search in Rotated Sorted Array 3 Sum Container With Most Water Binary Sum of Two Integers Number of 1 Bits Counting Bits Missing Number Reverse Bits Dynamic Programming Climbing Stairs Coin Change Longest Increasing Subsequence Longest Common Subsequence Word Break Problem Combination Sum House Robber House Robber II Decode Ways Unique Paths Jump Game Graph Clone Graph Course Schedule Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Number of Islands Longest Consecutive Sequence Alien Dictionary (Leetcode Premium) Graph Valid Tree (Leetcode Premium) Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph (Leetcode Premium) Interval Insert Interval Merge Intervals Non-overlapping Intervals Meeting Rooms (Leetcode Premium) Meeting Rooms II (Leetcode Premium) Linked List Reverse a Linked List Detect Cycle in a Linked List Merge Two Sor...

Answers For Elements For AI

Course Link: Exercise 1: Is this AI or not? Which of the following are AI and which are not? Choose yes, no, or “kind of” was kind of means that it both can be or can't be, depending on the viewpoint. Spreadsheet that calculates sums and other pre-defined functions on given data Ans: No Predicting the stock market by fitting a curve to past data about stock prices Ans: Yes, No, Kind of A GPS navigation system for finding the fastest route Ans: Yes, No, Kind of A music recommendation system such as Spotify that suggests music based on the users' listening behavior Ans: Yes Big data storage solutions that can store huge amounts of data (such as images or video) and stream them to many users at the same time Ans: No Photo editing features such as brightness and contrast in applications such as Photoshop Ans: No, Kind of Style transfer filters in applications such as Prisma that take a photo and transform it into different art styles (impressionist...